Seafly 237 – Kami-Kaze

Another Seafly for your list having just dragged its sorry form home to Mudeford.
Number of Boat from “measurement and construction form”: 237; completion date June ’66; Measurer: RJ.Kendall.

The Seafly Dinghy Class Association measurement certificate shows:


  • Boat name: “Kami-Kaze”
  • Registered number: C237
  • Builders name: Moores
  • Official Measurer: FA Smith 11-8-67


I have a soft spot for Kami Kaze already being able to pull it up the slope to its temporary resting place on my own was a treat. Unfortunately it has a few more soft spots of its own. Hope I turn out to be the right keeper.

M. Allum (November 2012)