Hello… I’m Peter Taylor and I first sailed a Seafly dinghy in 1963. I still have a Seafly, that’s me in the photo! If you really want, you can find out more about me here. When I started the web site in 2010, my idea was to document the Seafly sailing dinghy while there were still some surviving, hence “Seafly Memories”. However I soon found that, not only were there quite a few Seaflys still sailing, but also that some new Seaflys are being built! Thus this site can provide information to those buying, or thinking of buying, a new or second-hand Seafly; a source of memories for Seafly sailors past and present; a historic document recording the growth and eventual demise of one of the excellent dinghy classes developed in the 1960’s; …and now, hopefully, the revival of the Seafly and the Seafly Class.
Happy Seaflying!