Seafly 650 – Mementos

Some mementos of “Sonic” scanned before I traded her in, and some photos dating back to when I first bought her in 2006. The Mementos show the Seafly Association measurement certificates under her original name “E.a.T nita” and then as “Sonic the Seaslug”, a Class Association membership card and a copy of a sail certificate. There is an SDCA document listing her “For Sale” in 1994 which is presumably when she was bought by R.S.Johnston and renamed. The SDCA photograph presumably dates to sometime before 1994. It appears that the boat had done well in the 1992 and 1993 class championships and the photos show the complicated racing set up which she had before I converted her back to my more simple requirements!Peter Taylor.
Photographs: state in 2006