Seafly 2003 – Seafly Memories
My new Seafly (built by Tony Longworth/Peter Lawson) which I’ve called “Seafly Memories”, first in January 2010 in my garden in Southampton being fitted out and then on the River Itchen. I’ve fitted extra buoyancy and a mast-head float since I normally sail single handed on the river and don’t want the mast to stick in the mud when I capsize. So far I’ve only put it to the test once and it worked that time!
Although the mast head float is good, I later removed the extra buoyancy to make it easier to get back into the boat if I capsize! I’m using a spare set of racing sails from my previous Seafly (650) and it was a little while before I changed the number!
Peter Taylor (2010)
Photographs (by Peter Taylor unless stated otherwise)
Photographs from 29th October 2011 when myself and a neighbour, Gavin, were out on the Itchen in some good winds (14kts, gusting 23kts). Thanks to David Gower (another neighbour) for taking the photos.