Seafly Nats 2017 15th -16th July

2016 Nats (Mark Landamore)
Blakeney Sailing Club welcomes all Seafly sailors. It is six weeks until the National Championships are held again at Blakeney. There will be four races with one discard allowed.
- Saturday 15th July 2017, first race 10:30, second race about one hour later
- Sunday 16th July 2017, first race at 11:15, second race about one hour later
Last year there were 12 Seaflys with John and Rob Claridge winning the coveted trophy.
If you have not raced at Blakeney before, there is still time to plan your trip, maybe make it a long weekend! If the Blakeney Sailing Club can help you, do not hesitate to ask.
It is not necessary to register your intention to race but it would help the organisers if you did register.