Welcome to the New Site!

Welcome to the New Look “Seafly Memories” web site!
The new site has all the content from the old web site plus a much new content provided by Peter Forster and Peter Fullagar describing the Seafly Class Association in Australia and Seafly sailing at Canberra Yacht Club. Peter Fullagar has also provided photos taken during a visit to the UK in 1975 which include the construction of a Zygal Seafly, and the Seafly Nationals held that year at Plymouth.
Last year saw the revival of Seafly Nationals at Blakeney Sailing Club and the re-forming of the seafly Class Association. This new Seafly memories web site will continue to document the history of the Seafly while the Class Association web site and Facebook page will provide up to date news of Seafly Sailing!
I hope you enjoy this new Seafly Memories web site,
Peter Taylor, Feb. 2017